Released on = February 5, 2007, 9:19 am

Press Release Author = Georges J. Yared

Industry = Financial


Every year, Americans lose millions of dollars in bad investments. Victims of fear,
poor decisions, misinformation or market downturns, they are forced to watch as
their money washes down the drain.

In his groundbreaking new book, Stop Losing Money Today: The Art and the Science of
Investing, world-class investor and businessman Georges Yared empowers you how to
make sound decisions based on real information, rather than on the emotional
impulses that lead to disastrous investments.

Fraudulent investments cost Americans over a billion dollars a year, according to a
consumer alert issued by the Federal Trade Commission. Sucked into a scam by a
smooth marketing pitch, would-be investors are taken in by a song-and-dance that
sounds too good to be true.and is!

Wannabe moguls also lose money by making mistakes. It happens to everyone from
neophytes to Warren Buffet-types-they invest in something that looks hot today but
turns out to be barely lukewarm tomorrow.

The market plunge in the spring of this year panicked some investors who saw the
value of their portfolios fall significantly before readjusting themselves days or
weeks later.

"The number one mistake people make in investing is getting too attached to a stock
to let it go," says Georges. "My book will empower any investor to invest with your
head, not your heart."

In Stop Losing Money Today, you'll learn to:
. Eliminate emotions from investing
. Identify great companies that are leading or redefining their industries
. Find your own investing approach
. Know when to buy, when to sell and when to buy more

"Too many people get excited about the latest trend or the hottest stock," says
Georges. "They don't take the time to do their homework, so they end up losing their
kids' college funds, or their savings or retirement plans."

Georges entered the brokerage business in 1979 as a rookie for Dean Witter Reynolds.
In 6 years, he was in charge of 1,200 brokers in 40 different branches covering 11
states. In 2003, he joined ThinkEquity Partners as a senior partner and head of
international sales. "I want to share my wealth of experience," he says, "to prevent
others from risking their financial futures. My book will show you how to get rich
with the right investments."


Every year, Americans lose millions of dollars in bad investments. Victims of fear,
poor decisions, misinformation or market downturns, they are forced to watch as
their money washes down the drain.

In his groundbreaking new book, Stop Losing Money Today: The Art and the Science of
Investing, world-class investor and businessman Georges Yared empowers you how to
make sound decisions based on real information, rather than on the emotional
impulses that lead to disastrous investments.

Fraudulent investments cost Americans over a billion dollars a year, according to a
consumer alert issued by the Federal Trade Commission. Sucked into a scam by a
smooth marketing pitch, would-be investors are taken in by a song-and-dance that
sounds too good to be true.and is!

Wannabe moguls also lose money by making mistakes. It happens to everyone from
neophytes to Warren Buffet-types-they invest in something that looks hot today but
turns out to be barely lukewarm tomorrow.

The market plunge in the spring of this year panicked some investors who saw the
value of their portfolios fall significantly before readjusting themselves days or
weeks later.

"The number one mistake people make in investing is getting too attached to a stock
to let it go," says Georges. "My book will empower any investor to invest with your
head, not your heart."

In Stop Losing Money Today, you'll learn to:
. Eliminate emotions from investing
. Identify great companies that are leading or redefining their industries
. Find your own investing approach
. Know when to buy, when to sell and when to buy more

"Too many people get excited about the latest trend or the hottest stock," says
Georges. "They don't take the time to do their homework, so they end up losing their
kids' college funds, or their savings or retirement plans."

Georges entered the brokerage business in 1979 as a rookie for Dean Witter Reynolds.
In 6 years, he was in charge of 1,200 brokers in 40 different branches covering 11
states. In 2003, he joined ThinkEquity Partners as a senior partner and head of
international sales. "I want to share my wealth of experience," he says, "to prevent
others from risking their financial futures. My book will show you how to get rich
with the right investments."

Web Site =

Contact Details = C&G Group, LLC
Address: 19665 Chimo West, Deep Haven, MN 55391
Contact: Georges J. Yared Phone: 952-334-6053 E-mail:

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